Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Indoor Seedlings Long Weekend Transplant

A few weekends ago, I transplanted some seedlings outside, that I sprouted in my kitchen, at first the plants were struggling because I didn't harden them off properly, but they are starting to look healthy again, after the rain we had this weekend; after a week of intense Sunny weather.
I sprouted Squash, Jalepeno Pepper, two kinds of Tomato, and also directly sowed some arugula seeds, carrot seeds and spinach seeds outside. As of this weekend, they are all sprouting and starting to look pretty healthy..
Also, My Garlic has been getting huge lately! it is benefiting from the highly acidic soil from the compost I mixed in with the soil...at least thats the only thing that makes sense, cause they are almost waist high!!
More posts coming soon! Lots of growth with this nice weather!