Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Good Morning from Ghetto Garden

With the growing season coming to close, I have been harvesting a lot of vegetables, and getting the soil ready for the winter season that is approaching fast. I have also been fortunate enough this past summer to make friends with the older chinese neighbour of mine. She is very sweet, and we have been trading produce from our gardens all summer. The other day she gave me the mother load!! half dozen squash, and a bunch of cherry tomatoes and plums. I am so thankful for this, and have been enjoying eating fresh all week!! Also, my tomatoes have been ripening on the vine, usually one or two a day has been turning red, so I have been systematically cutting off the tomatoes and eating fresh salads with Kale from the garden as well. Although the weather wasn't too co-operative this past summer, I would say overall it was a success!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fall has arrived

With the cool days of Fall fast approaching, the Ghetto Garden is in its final stages of growth, and a lot of the veggies are ready for Harvest! It wasn't the best growing season this past summer and because of it, my yields suffered, however, I was still able to eat some fresh vegetables from own backyard. I had some success at the beginning of the season with my romaine lettuce and other herbs , and I still had great success with my arugula, garlic and carrots.
Carrots and Garlic
Garlic Grew taller than me!
no loitering!
Avocado Tree
Spaghetti Squash