Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day Everyone! What a nice weekend we have been having here in Vancouver.
Today I noticed the romaine lettuce seeds I had planted last week were starting to sprout. Life is Happening!
I decided that my way of celebrating Earth Day would be to plant some seeds in the garden and hope for the best, even though it has been nice these past few days, its hard to tell if this summer weather is here to stay or not... I decided to lay a black garbage bag overtop afterwards to hopefully grab some heat from the sun and warm up the soil. I planted Carrots here,
& Spaghetti Squash here,
Inside, I have started to try and sprout my tomato plants, some more squash plants, and also a bunch of herbs. I have been keeping them in a shoebox over a heater. with damp soil and it seems to be working so far... I will keep you posted.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Time Reno's

I have decided I need more soil space this year in order to grow larger amounts of the vegetables I had success with last year,
so I have been working on expanding the Garden.

Here are some photos from my progression thus far.

After moving the cinder blocks, I saw my healthy soil from the side, it was full of worms and was light and air filled. I am glad I took the time last year to use proper ingredients and create this healthy mix...

Moving Blocks around and planning what to do with the space I have..

I assembled a skateboard fence that I will use to help support my tomato plants as they grow bigger.

I planned out some stepping stones that will double as working platforms when it comes time to trim, weed, water and care for my plants.

Expansion Complete! time to germinate, sow and watch life grow!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring's Sprung?

So it looks like Spring has finally arrived, and that means its time for another garden season yet again ! here some pics from last year's ghetto garden yo!

My Mom has an impressive vegetable garden and I never really appreciated it as much as I should have, but I always thought it was cool to grow your own food, limit your impact on the environment, and to know exactly where your food came from and be somewhat self-sustained. This past summer I was fortunate enough to have a vegetable garden in my backyard for the first time since I have lived on my own. I gave it a try and it turned into a fun project that was always full of surprises. When I was eating a salad made of all vegetables grown in my backyard of my east Vancouver basement suite, for a brief moment in time, among the sounds of the bustling city all around me, I felt self-sustained and it was deliciously amazing...

More Posts to Come!!