Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Time Reno's

I have decided I need more soil space this year in order to grow larger amounts of the vegetables I had success with last year,
so I have been working on expanding the Garden.

Here are some photos from my progression thus far.

After moving the cinder blocks, I saw my healthy soil from the side, it was full of worms and was light and air filled. I am glad I took the time last year to use proper ingredients and create this healthy mix...

Moving Blocks around and planning what to do with the space I have..

I assembled a skateboard fence that I will use to help support my tomato plants as they grow bigger.

I planned out some stepping stones that will double as working platforms when it comes time to trim, weed, water and care for my plants.

Expansion Complete! time to germinate, sow and watch life grow!

1 comment:

  1. The garden looks awesome Mike! keep up the great work!
